6000 – Management Support

6000/ 6000PProgram Planning, Budget Preparation, Adoption and Implementation
6020System of Funds and Accounts
6021Interfund Loans
6022Minimum Fund Balance
6030Financial Reports
6100Revenues From Local, State, and Federal Sources
6101 / 6101PFederal Cash and Financial Management
6102 / 6102PDistrict Fundraising
6106 / 6106PAllowable Costs for Federal Programs
6112Rental or Lease of District Real Property
6114 / 6114PGifts
6120Investment of Funds
6210 / 6210PPurchasing: Authorization & Control
6212/ 6212PCharge Cards
6213 / 6213PReimbursement for Travel Expenses
6215/ 6215PExpense Claim Certification and Approval
6216Reimbursement for Goods and Services Warrants
6217/ 6217PElectronic Funds Transfer
6220 / 6220PBid or Request for Proposal Requirements
6230Relations with Vendors
6250 / 6250PCellular Telephones
6500/ 6500FRisk Management
6505 / 6505PSchool Safety and Security
6511Staff Safety
6512 / 6512PInfection Control Program
6535Student Insurance
6540School Districts Responsibility for Privately Owned Property
6550Capitalization Threshold for Leases and Subscription-Based Information Technology Arrangements
6570 / 6570PRecords Management and Retention
6602Special Transportation
6605/ 6605PStudent Safety Walking Biking and Riding Buses
6608/ 6608PVideo Cameras on School Buses
6610 / 6610PVideo Surveillance
6625Private Vehicle Transportation
6630 / 6630PDriver Training and Responsibility
6640School Owned Vehicles
6700 / 6700PNutrition
6701/ 6701PRecess & Physical Activity
6702/ 6702PWellness
6801/ 6801PCapital Assets _ Theft Sensitive Assets
6810Energy Management Education and Conservation
6815/ 6815PAdvertising on District Property
6881/ 6881PDisposal of Surplus Equipment and or Materials
6882Sale of Real Property
6883Closure of Facilities
6890State Environmental Policy Act
6895 / 6895PPesticide Notification
6900Facilities Planning
6905Site Acquisition
6910Construction Financing
6920Construction Design
6925/ 6925PArchitect and Engineering Services
6950Contractor Assurances Surety Bonds and Insurance
6955Maintenance of Facilities Records
6959/ 6959PAcceptance of Completed Project
6971Works of Art

Boy using crayon on a piece of paper
Two girl soccer players
Two girls in a classroom