5000 – Personnel

5000 Recruitment and Selection of Staff
5001Hiring of Retired School Employees 
5002Administrator Vacancy Posting
5005Employment and Volunteers: Disclosures Certification Requirements, Assurances and Approval
5006Certification Revocation
5008Employee Conduct
5010 / 5010PNon-Discrimination
5011 / 5011PSexual Harassment of District Staff Prohibited
5051Hiring Procedures for District Administrators
5161/ 5161PCivility in the Workplace
5201Drug-Free Schools, Community and Workplace
5202 / 5202PFederal Motor Carrier Safety Administration Mandated Drug and Alcohol Testing
5205Social Media Guidelines
5207 / 5207PProhibition of Harassment Intimidation and Bullying
5222 / 5222PJob Sharing Staff Members
5240Evaluation of Staff
5251Conflicts of Interest
5252Staff Participation in Political Activities 
5253 / 5253PMaintaining Professional Staff / Student Boundaries
5254/ 5254PStaff Expression
5260 / 5260PPersonnel Records
5270 / 5270PResolution of Staff Complaint
5271 / 5271PReporting Improper Governmental Actions
5280Termination of Employment
5281 / 5281P     Disciplinary Action and Discharge
5314 / 5314PTax Deferred Annuity / Compensation
5320 / 5320PDistrict Office and other Non-Represented Classified Employees
5360Retirement/Classified Substitute Staff Position
5400Personnel Leaves
5401 / 5401PSick Leave Cash Out
5403Family Emergency Leaves
5404 / 5404PFamily and Medical Leave
5406 / 5406PLeave Sharing
5409Discretionary Leaves
5515/ 5515PWorkforce Secondary Traumatic Stress
5610 / 5610PSubstitute Employment
5630 / 5630PVolunteers
5641Student Teachers
Boy using crayon on a piece of paper
Two girl soccer players
Two girls in a classroom