Jim Verburg

Board President

I am the proud son of a 32-year career public school teacher and coach. My daughter has been a student in Lynden since kindergarten and will graduate in 2024. I am keenly aware of the important role our public schools play in preparing our young people for the future.

My wife and I have resided in Lynden for 20 years in total. After moving away for 5 years in the early 2000s, we moved back after the birth of our daughter because of the quality of Lynden schools. We have never regretted that decision. I believe we must earnestly protect, maintain, and improve the quality of Lynden schools so that the same reasons we moved back will remain for the benefit of future generations of students and parents.

I believe that parents are the most important stakeholders in their children’s education on a wide range of issues from school policy to curriculum. I believe in a school district that has a culture of openness and transparency with parents and the community. I believe in fiscal responsibility and good stewardship of our public’s resources. I believe that doing the right thing is frequently not synonymous with doing the easy thing.

Boy using crayon on a piece of paper
Two girl soccer players
Two girls in a classroom