Lynden School District News

LMS Capturing the Enthusiasm
LMS Capturing the Enthusiasm

The first assembly of the year at LMS was full of energy, from seventh-grader Olivia Cantrell performing the National Anthem to the introduction of ASB officers and LMS staff to … Read More »

The Fisher ‘Me Museums’
The Fisher ‘Me Museums’

Fisher Elementary fifth grade students (and teachers) hosted “Me Museums” to help classmates get to know them and their interests better. It was an interactive way to connect across the … Read More »

Leanne Vanhulzen Honored for Teaching
Leanne Vanhulzen Honored for Teaching

Bernice Vossbeck teacher Leanne Vanhulzen was named the WSECU Teacher of the Week by the Seattle Mariners. A third-grade teacher with over two decades of experience, Vanhulzen was recently honored … Read More »

LHS Students Win Awards
LHS Students Win Awards

A trio of Lynden High School students were College Board National Recognition Program award winners for academic achievements. Daniel Mrak, Elliana Stuart and Santiago Lopez were all given National Rural … Read More »

Welcoming Students to 2022-23
Welcoming Students to 2022-23

Lynden Schools welcomed students to the 2022-23 school year on Sept. 1. Excitement and energy categorized the first day of school across the district.

Looking Toward the First Day: Sept. 1
Looking Toward the First Day: Sept. 1

Lynden Schools is excited to welcome students back to school for the 2022-23 school year on Sept. 1. Staff is eager to work with students and let each student know … Read More »

LHS Seniors Clean and Prep for First Day
LHS Seniors Clean and Prep for First Day

A new tradition started at Lynden High School today. A group of seniors gathered to not only clean the parking lot and scrub areas inside the school, but they also … Read More »

<strong>Bernice Vossbeck WIN Program Helps Students Gain Literacy Goals</strong>
Bernice Vossbeck WIN Program Helps Students Gain Literacy Goals

The WIN acronym—it stands for What I Need—keeps a focused approach on academics at Bernice Vossbeck. “It’s a way to meet each student’s needs in different areas of instruction,” says … Read More »

<strong>LMS Sixth Graders Tackling Real-World Homelessness Issues</strong>
LMS Sixth Graders Tackling Real-World Homelessness Issues

Sixth-grade teachers Dirk Denniston and Nathan Hoch wanted to connect students to current issues within the Lynden community. They’ve done this by creating two new units for students focusing on … Read More »

LHS AP Calculus Students Delight First Graders
LHS AP Calculus Students Delight First Graders

Lynden High School’s AP Calculus class, taught by Jordan VanderVeen, did something they haven’t done since 2019: delight groups of first-grade students at Bernice Vossbeck Elementary. In a rebirth of … Read More »

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Boy using crayon on a piece of paper
Two girl soccer players
Two girls in a classroom