Fisher Elementary Library Connects with Spanish Readers

Three Fisher Elementary bilingual students shared their love of reading with librarian Kelsey Stauffer. That conversation prompted Stauffer to work with the students to enhance the outdated collection of Spanish-language books in the library, starting with popular titles such as “Diary of a Wimpy Kid” and “Babysitters Club.” 

“The impact was immediate,” Stauffer says. “Students were thrilled, word spread and more bilingual families became engaged.” 

Fisher has since added over 25 new Spanish-language book to cater to a variety of reading levels and topics and one student told Stauffer how bringing books home has allowed their parents to sit and read with them, which was icing on the cake for the effort, Stauffer says. 

“Language shouldn’t be a barrier, whether spoken or read,” she says. “Having the ability to provide joy and family togetherness over a story is a beautiful thing.” 

Boy using crayon on a piece of paper
Two girl soccer players
Two girls in a classroom