Bond Planning Task Force Shares Report

The work of the Bond Planning Task Force has been completed and their recommendation was made to the board during an August 10th meeting. The recommendation was the culmination of several months of discussion that included current facility conditions and district programs and cost analysis. The report includes a list of project priorities, a timeline for a potential bond measure and strategies to achieve the greatest impact on student learning. No decision has been made by the board. Community engagement regarding the bond recommendation is encouraged during the Aug. 31 and Sept. 14 board meetings. The report is now available on our website here.

The Long Range Facilities Planning group, who worked simultaneously but separately from the Bond Planning Task Force, has also completed their work and a copy of their report was presented to the board on July 13, 2023. The purpose of this document to provide an inventory of current Lynden School District capital facilities, identify future school capital facility needs based on projected student enrollment through 2031 with a long term look at enrollment through 2040 in relation to facility needs. The long range facilities plan will be reviewed and updated regularly to adjust for actual enrollment and other unforeseen facility needs. The report can be viewed here.

Boy using crayon on a piece of paper
Two girl soccer players
Two girls in a classroom