Educator of the Year

Lynden teacher Terry Kaemingk was named the Masonic Educator of the Year for the 2022-23 school year. Kaemingk started teaching in Lynden Schools in 1985 and spent 12 years teaching sixth grade at LMS before teaching fourth grade at Bernice Vossbeck for 10 years. He returned to LMS in 2007 and is completing his 38thyear with the district. Over the years he’s also coached football, basketball, baseball and wresting. Terry’s wife, Elaine, has served as a para-educator at Lynden Schools for 22 years. Their children Michael, Lauren, and Gabe have all graduated from Lynden Schools. Terry receives $1,000 to use toward classroom materials. 

Kaemingk’s selection is based on his commitment and dedication to the development of all young people. He cares deeply about students and brings out the strengths of the individuals he’s serving. Terry maintains high expectations for his students (and parents) but also understands the importance of providing necessary supports for them to be successful. Terry’s commitment to students is uniquely matched by his own resolve to continually grow as a professional, colleague, and community contributor. He’s reflective and always looking to be a more effective educator while maintaining a willingness, when asked, to share his sage advice with others.

Boy using crayon on a piece of paper
Two girl soccer players
Two girls in a classroom