
Looking Toward the First Day: Sept. 1
Looking Toward the First Day: Sept. 1

Lynden Schools is excited to welcome students back to school for the 2022-23 school year on Sept. 1. Staff is eager to work with students and let each student know … Read More »

LHS Child Development Classes Working with Elementary Students
LHS Child Development Classes Working with Elementary Students

Second-grade students adore having a high school buddy. Tiffany Sahagian’s Child Development 2 classes at Lynden High School have made that a reality for students in Lynden Schools. The high … Read More »

Getting to Know Superintendent David VanderYacht
Getting to Know Superintendent David VanderYacht

For more than 30 years David VanderYacht has devoted himself to the Lynden community through Lynden Schools. As the new superintendent of the district, he now gets to lead the … Read More »

New Preschool Space Ideal for Young Learners
New Preschool Space Ideal for Young Learners

The nearly 100 Lynden Schools preschool students walked into their new home when in-person learning started for them on Sept. 28, 2020. And what a welcome sight it was. As … Read More »

Lynden Schools Announces New Hires

As Lynden Schools continues to prepare for the 2020-2021 school year — no matter what final form that ends up taking — the district announces a slate of new hires.  … Read More »

Lynden Schools Announces Key Hires, Including BVE Principal, Two LHS Assistant Principals and Girls Basketball Coach

Key positions fill for Lynden Schools with the Lynden School Board’s announcement of new hires across the district, including a new principal for Bernice Vossbeck Elementary, two new assistant principals … Read More »

Putting a fresh focus on the 2019-2020 school year

The calendar may say September 2019, but principals across the six Lynden Schools buildings take a much more wholistic view of the start of school, creating themes and focus points … Read More »

Get to know your board members: CJ Costanti

C.J. Costanti can’t express enough the belief in the importance of schools serving as a central part of the community’s collective fabric. So, the opportunity to contribute to Lynden Schools … Read More »

District Planning Committee explores facility needs amidst continued growth

The significant growth over the past 10 years in the Lynden Schools hasn’t slowed. As the district faces a continued rise in the student population, the growth offers challenges to … Read More »

The success of a bond

Venture past the new Lynden Middle School on Line Road or the completely new Fisher Elementary School on 14thStreet and the success of the Lynden Schools bond shows vibrantly. But … Read More »
