Grant Brickbealer: LHS Alumni of the Year

Congratulations to 2004 Lynden High School graduate Grant Brickbealer for being selected as the 2023 Lynden Alumni of the Year recipient from the Lynden Alumni Association. Grant was honored at LHS’s homecoming assembly today and will be recognized during the football game on Friday. 

LHS teachers and coaches Cory White and Blake VanDalen praise the contributions of Brickbealer, with White saying he “is on the Mount Rushmore of Lynden Lions supporters, alumni and fans. I am not sure if there is anyone who is prouder to wear the green and gold since graduating from Lynden High School.” 

Involved in clubs, activities and athletics during his time at LHS, for close to 25 years Grant has been a volunteer manager for the LHS football and baseball programs with an “all in” dedication. He’s often the first to arrive for events and the last to leave and no role is too big or small, White says. He’s dedicated to doing whatever is needed to help the team. He constructs his Safeway work schedule around the 30 hours a week he puts in for both programs. 

Brickbealer is also a multiple gold medal winner for the Washington State Special Olympics. 

VanDalen says there is simply no graduate with as much pride and passion for LHS as “Brick.” 

“Grant displays for our players and fans a passionate servant-leadership that makes him unique,” VanDalen says. “I’ll often see Brick at other sporting events encouraging Lynden athletes to be honorable and have integrity in all competitions.” Congrats to Grant on his many achievements.