
Fresh Art at LMS
Fresh Art at LMS

Jubilee Treas, a sixth-grader at Lynden Middle School, helped brighten the office of new principal Vince Riccobene with her own artwork.

8th Grade BVE Buddies Return
8th Grade BVE Buddies Return

Bernice Vossbeck Elementary has welcomed back Lynden Middle School eighth graders as part of the 8th Grade Buddies program. Students from LMS visit BVE to support the learning of the elementary students. 

LMS Capturing the Enthusiasm
LMS Capturing the Enthusiasm

The first assembly of the year at LMS was full of energy, from seventh-grader Olivia Cantrell performing the National Anthem to the introduction of ASB officers and LMS staff to … Read More »

Welcoming Students to 2022-23
Welcoming Students to 2022-23

Lynden Schools welcomed students to the 2022-23 school year on Sept. 1. Excitement and energy categorized the first day of school across the district.

Looking Toward the First Day: Sept. 1
Looking Toward the First Day: Sept. 1

Lynden Schools is excited to welcome students back to school for the 2022-23 school year on Sept. 1. Staff is eager to work with students and let each student know … Read More »

LMS Sixth Graders Tackling Real-World Homelessness Issues
LMS Sixth Graders Tackling Real-World Homelessness Issues

Sixth-grade teachers Dirk Denniston and Nathan Hoch wanted to connect students to current issues within the Lynden community. They’ve done this by creating two new units for students focusing on … Read More »

LHS Child Development Classes Working with Elementary Students
LHS Child Development Classes Working with Elementary Students

Second-grade students adore having a high school buddy. Tiffany Sahagian’s Child Development 2 classes at Lynden High School have made that a reality for students in Lynden Schools.  The high … Read More »

New LMS Principal Vincent Riccobene Excited for Opportunity
New LMS Principal Vincent Riccobene Excited for Opportunity

Vincent Riccobene has always been intrigued with the Lynden community. And now the new principal of Lynden Middle School is excited to be a part of it. “Our family is … Read More »

Getting to Know Superintendent David VanderYacht
Getting to Know Superintendent David VanderYacht

For more than 30 years David VanderYacht has devoted himself to the Lynden community through Lynden Schools. As the new superintendent of the district, he now gets to lead the … Read More »

STEM Opportunities Building at LMS

From building rockets to robots or testing cloth to water samples, the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) opportunities at Lynden Middle School took an upswing for the 2021-22 school year. … Read More »

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