
A Special Night at Isom
A Special Night at Isom

Isom recently hosted a Hispanic Family Night with a focus on multilingual communication. The night included games highlighting the importance of accuracy in communication, a shared meal and information about … Read More »

Literacy Starts Early
Literacy Starts Early

Building literacy and numeracy skills starts in kindergarten. At Isom Elementary the entire team is focused on the effort, from teachers to specialists, working with kindergartners to learn to count, … Read More »

Swimming with the Salmon
Swimming with the Salmon

Isom fourth graders had a wonderful opportunity to coordinate with the Nooksack Salmon Enhancement Association on a field trip to Lynden City Park. Students learned about the ecosystems of our … Read More »

Apply to Join the Lynden Schools Bond Planning Task Force

Lynden Schools welcomes community applicants interested in serving on the newly created Bond Planning Task Force. The objective of the task force is to develop consensus related to the scope … Read More »

Celebrating Reading
Celebrating Reading

March is National Reading Month and Lynden Schools elementary staff kicked it off in multiple ways. BVE celebrated Dr. Seuss’ birthday and Fisher had a character parade where staff and … Read More »

Isom Bands Together
Isom Bands Together

Isom’s Character Strong focus for February is cooperation. Wednesday provided a real-life cooperation opportunity during a morning power outage. District facilities staff jumped into action with Puget Sound Energy and … Read More »

Kindergarten Registration March 6-24
Kindergarten Registration March 6-24

Kindergarten registration is approaching. Across the county, families can register students for 2023-24 kindergarten classes from March 6-24. Join Lynden by registering a student for kindergarten here. All children who … Read More »

Be the One Celebrates 10 Years with 350 Mentoring Matches
Be the One Celebrates 10 Years with 350 Mentoring Matches

Lynden Schools’ highly successful mentoring program started with a question: How can we help? Now, 10 years later, the Lynden-born Be the One mentoring program has connected 350 Lynden students … Read More »

Lynden Invites Highly Capable Referrals 

Lynden Schools is preparing for its Highly Capable Program spring referral and testing window, running from Feb. 6 through Feb. 24. This window is for all students at Lynden Schools. … Read More »

A Focus on Instruction
A Focus on Instruction

Teachers across Lynden Schools remain focused on improving instruction, using this teacher work day to work together.

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