
Lynden Schools Announces New Hires

As Lynden Schools continues to prepare for the 2020-2021 school year — no matter what final form that ends up taking — the district announces a slate of new hires.  … Read More »

Meal pick-up available during school closure

EFFECTIVE March 19: Meals During Extended School Closure The Lynden School District is committed to providing access to the nutrition students need during the extended school closure. We will be offering meals for pick … Read More »

Isom literacy effort offers family-wide opportunities

Isom Elementary partnered with the Lynden Library and Humanities Washington for a six-week literacy program for students and families.  The program incorporated 24 families and enhanced literacy skills in an … Read More »

Putting a fresh focus on the 2019-2020 school year

The calendar may say September 2019, but principals across the six Lynden Schools buildings take a much more wholistic view of the start of school, creating themes and focus points … Read More »

Portables making move, getting refresh at Vossbeck and Isom

Lynden Schools is getting plenty of mileage out of a pair of portable classrooms. Both literally and figuratively. In a busy summer for the maintenance department, one of the largest … Read More »

Twenty years teaching at Isom prepares Tim Doering for principal role

Tim Doering knows Isom Elementary well. As a 20-year classroom veteran at the school, teaching third and fifth grade, he’s invested in countless students. He’s also become a teacher-leader over … Read More »

District Planning Committee explores facility needs amidst continued growth

The significant growth over the past 10 years in the Lynden Schools hasn’t slowed. As the district faces a continued rise in the student population, the growth offers challenges to … Read More »

Variety of district-wide upgrades improve student safety

From new lock-down procedures at Lynden Schools’ five main campus buildings to Youth Mental First Aid and from security camera system upgrades to fresh mechanisms to support students in crisis, … Read More »

Lynden Schools names new Isom Elementary principal

Lynden Schools named Tim Doering, a 20-year veteran of the district, as the new principal for Isom Elementary, effective summer 2019.  Doering has served as a teacher at Isom for … Read More »

The success of a bond

Venture past the new Lynden Middle School on Line Road or the completely new Fisher Elementary School on 14thStreet and the success of the Lynden Schools bond shows vibrantly. But … Read More »