
Lynden Christian High Schoolers Connecting with Fisher Students
Lynden Christian High Schoolers Connecting with Fisher Students

High school students deciding to focus on serving as positive role models in the lives of elementary students offers a win-win, no matter which schools are involved. That’s the case … Read More »

Superintendent’s Message: Capital Projects Bond Coming in August

Lynden is a growing community attractive to families who are expecting strong schools and a safe place to raise their children. The district, with collaboration from community members and staff, … Read More »

Amy Ohligschlager: Connecting Students to Real-Life Scenarios
Amy Ohligschlager: Connecting Students to Real-Life Scenarios

This post is part of the Lynden Schools Staff Spotlight series Amy Ohligschlager loves the connected environment throughout Lynden Middle School. And she’s part of the equation, teaching all three … Read More »

Elementary Schools Add Late Arrival Days

A change has been made to the 2023/2024 school calendar for elementary students. The calendar sent to families at the beginning of the year indicated that Wednesday, June 5, and Wednesday, June … Read More »

Appreciating Classified Staff
Appreciating Classified Staff

Lynden Schools celebrates Classified Staff Appreciation Week. Lynden’s support staff provides essential and impactful contributions to the success of our students every day. Thank you for all you do!

Cindy Huaracha: Every Day Serving Students is a Mystery
Cindy Huaracha: Every Day Serving Students is a Mystery

This post is part of the Lynden Schools Staff Spotlight series Every time Cindy Huaracha enters the building at Fisher Elementary, she’s expecting a mystery. As an administrative assistant and … Read More »

Superintendent Message on Future of Bond

Lynden Families & Staff- This morning, the Board of Directors held a special meeting to discuss and determine whether to place the capital facilities bond back on the April ballot.  … Read More »

Kindergarten Registration Opens Feb. 20
Kindergarten Registration Opens Feb. 20

Registration for Kindergarten and Transition to Kindergarten for the 2024-2025 school year will be open from Feb. 20 through March 8.  Kindergarten registration is for students age 5 by Aug. … Read More »

A Sporting Tradition
A Sporting Tradition

In a Lynden Schools tradition, athletes from Lynden High’s winter sports teams visited the three Lynden elementary schools on Thursday to have lunch and spend time with the younger students. … Read More »

Fisher Food Drive Helps Community
Fisher Food Drive Helps Community

Fisher Elementary recently completed a successful food drive. The annual event features fifth-grade students serving as leaders to advertise and collect the donations, all to support the Lynden Project Hope … Read More »