
A Focus on Instruction
A Focus on Instruction

Teachers across Lynden Schools remain focused on improving instruction, using this teacher work day to work together.

A Fisher Food Drive
A Fisher Food Drive

Fisher counselor Tausha Calderella and her student leadership team organized a powerful response from the school community with generous donations for the annual food drive. This year the food drive raised over … Read More »

Giving to the Community

Family Community Services (FCS) finished a busy and successful holiday season assisting families within Lynden Schools. During the Thanksgiving season, the district’s FCS program gave out 62 meals thanks to … Read More »

Using Tech to Teach English
Using Tech to Teach English

Technology has proven important in helping bridge the gap for the district’s new-to-English language learners, as seen here from Fisher Elementary.

Welcome to 2023
Welcome to 2023

Welcome back—and happy New Year—to all students and staff. Lynden Schools is off to a positive start in 2023. Enjoy a sampling of the start of 2023 from buildings across … Read More »

Keeping Schools Running
Keeping Schools Running

A grateful thank you to Kevin Burke and the crew of Cecil Martin, Duane Vis, Dawn Duncan, Paul Bonson, John Vanleperen and all building custodians for the work it takes … Read More »

Thank You, Volunteers
Thank You, Volunteers

Volunteers help Lynden Schools run smoothly. The district thanks the many volunteers across all the buildings—including these volunteers who created gingerbread houses for a recent kindergarten project—for their investment in … Read More »

Positive Performances
Positive Performances

Calls home from the office are not always “bad” calls. Fisher loves to make positive phone calls home. Fisher staff are busy filling out “Pawsitive” Office Referrals when they see … Read More »

The Elementary Marathon
The Elementary Marathon

The three Lynden elementary schools participate in a marathon over the course of the fall. Students run portions of the marathon throughout the school year at their own building and … Read More »

Understanding Inclement Weather Decisions
Understanding Inclement Weather Decisions

As we head toward winter, here’s a guide to understanding how Lynden Schools communicates closures and delays due to inclement weather: • School closure decisions will be communicated the prior … Read More »

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