Bernice Vossbeck Elementary News

LHS Child Development Classes Working with Elementary Students
LHS Child Development Classes Working with Elementary Students

Posted on 6/6/2022 Second-grade students adore having a high school buddy. Tiffany Sahagian’s Child Development 2 classes at Lynden High School have made that a reality for students in Lynden … Read More »

Bernice Vossbeck WIN Program Helps Students Gain Literacy Goals
Bernice Vossbeck WIN Program Helps Students Gain Literacy Goals

6/1/2022 The WIN acronym—it stands for What I Need—keeps a focused approach on academics at Bernice Vossbeck. “It’s a way to meet each student’s needs in different areas of instruction,” … Read More »

LMS Sixth Graders Tackling Real-World Homelessness Issues
LMS Sixth Graders Tackling Real-World Homelessness Issues

5/26/2022 Sixth-grade teachers Dirk Denniston and Nathan Hoch wanted to connect students to current issues within the Lynden community. They’ve done this by creating two new units for students focusing … Read More »

Bernice Vossbeck Library Hub of Activity
Bernice Vossbeck Library Hub of Activity

5/24/2022 From a Battle of the Books to new reading carpets, the library at Bernice Vossbeck Elementary continues to excite students throughout the school.  This spring, librarian Jennifer Frombly instituted … Read More »

BVE Students Impressed in Keyboarding Challenge

Before the challenge of winter weather hit Bernice Vossbeck Elementary, students in grades two through five participated in a friendly keyboarding challenge with Kym VanMersbergen, the school’s technology coach. Students … Read More »

BVE Book Fair Benefits Sumas Elementary

Bernice Vossbeck Elementary librarian Jen Frombly didn’t know what to expect from her first book fair at the school. But with a strong turnout—the largest Scholastic book fair in the … Read More »

Making Applesauce a Teachable Moment, Thanks to Volunteers

It isn’t just about the applesauce for Julie Goodman’s first-grade class at Bernice Vossbeck Elementary. Although, the applesauce sure is a welcome addition to the finish of a lesson. Each … Read More »

BVE Students Getting to know Authors, Books

Students at Bernice Vossbeck Elementary have real-life examples of the power of writing. And reading. Teacher Rebecca VanSlyke has made it a regular practice of inviting authors into the classroom … Read More »

BVE Buddies Connects Students

Bernice Vossbeck Elementary students are making plenty of new connections this year thanks to the brand-new BVE Buddies program. Third-year BVE teacher Katelynn Fraser launched the program in October, a … Read More »

An Introduction Letter from Interim Superintendent Mike Stromme
An Introduction Letter from Interim Superintendent Mike Stromme

To the Lynden community: I was excited when the opportunity to join Lynden Schools came about. And now, just a few weeks into the role as your Lynden Schools interim … Read More »